


There is such thing as the « Walking Technique » in Tango. It is not sufficient to announce that Tango is a Walking dance. If that assertion is not accompanied with the ACTUAL Technique on how to Walk, it becomes a useless, statement. Moreover, that WALKING TECHNIQUE must be explainable. There is nothing in Tango that is or must be accepted by faith. Any theory or axiom enunciated in Tango MUST be demonstrable and replicable. Tango dancing is made of a series of very logical elements linked to each other. Therefore, any element has a function. The "THE MAGDALENA TECHNIQUE ® explains the function of each element, thus, providing the student with the in-depth understanding of how to recreate any given situation.

The WALKING TECHNIQUE gives the student the Basic Foundation. As the student progresses, the details of the WALKING TECHNIQUE and its efficiency is more and more usefully understood. The student realizes how important every detail is.

The "THE MAGDALENA TECHNIQUE ® helps the student become proficient in walking in the Parallel System or in the Crossed System ; switching weight at will without perturbing the partner's axis. The Masculine Energy or Partner learns how to generate pivots in the Feminine Energy or Partner, by the skilful use of the Cross System walking. This can be done without pushing and pulling the partner into it.

Total of hours needed to complete this section of the "THE MAGDALENA TECHNIQUE ® ": Group sessions: 20 ; Private sessions:10



The Magdalena Technique ® is owned by Epsilonar Inc. Holding company of Tango Magdalena, LLC. All content is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the authors. Copyright 2016.