LIZ & YANNICK VANHOVE @ Tango Magdalena Dance Studio
Purchase the discounted package online : m.tangomagdalena.com ; go to "Products" ; this Mobile version of our web site can be used from your Smart phone as well.



Liz and Yannick Vanhove (Belgium), are partners in life and partners in tango. They have been dancing Argentine Tango for over 11 years.
In 2006 they went to Buenos Aires for the first time and have lived there for over two years spread over the last 7 years.

They go back to Buenos Aires every year for several months to maintain and improve their dancing & teaching skills.
There, they have been guest-dancers at the legendary Esquina Homero Manzi for the show “Un par de tangos”, as well as in Teatro Alvear on Corrientes with the orchestra Colectivo Tango and on the ferry Buquebus that travels between Buenos Aires and Colonia (Uruguay) together with the singer Jorge Brun.
They have performed in different milongas such as Parakultural in salon Canning, Boedo tango, Porteno y Bailarin, La Confiteria Ideal, Che Flores.

In Europe, they are part of 'Tres Esquinas', an international company of Tango de Salon, and of the Show Tango company “LM Tango Argentino” that has its base in Paris. And they were nominated and accepted as Members of Unesco's International Dance Council CID.
Activities (workshops and performances) in Europe consisted of:
'The Antwerp Tango Festival' (BE), performances with the Tango Orchestra 'Arrabal' (BE), The opening of the 'Pasional Tango Club' in Vienna (AT), 'El Amante' in Vlissingen (NL), 'Tango y Vino' and 'Nou' Tango School in Berlin (DE), different events at 'Le Chantier' in Paris (FR), 'Conventillo' in Rome (IT), '2nd Italian Festival & Championship' in Terracina (IT), Encuentro de Tango Salon with Carlos & Rosa Perez in Eupen (BE) and many other places all over Europe.

In 2012 they won the European championship in the category Tango Salon and became vice-champions of Tango Escenario.
The jury consisted of: Maria Nieves, Pancho Martinez Pey, Carlos & Rosa Perez, Sol Cerquides & Fernando Gracia.
At the World Championships in Buenos Aires, they were finalists at the Luna Park for Tango Salon.


More on Liz and Yannick on their Web site : http://www.liz-yannick.com/index.html

including several videos



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1- Pre-Milonga classes + Performance

Friday, October 25, 2013, from 8 to 9 PM

Subject: Floorcraft: the tools you need for managing the floor.

Friday November 01, 2013, from 8 to 9 PM

Subject: Circularizing your movements.

Friday November 15, 2013, from 8 to 9 PM

Subject: Steps and figures for a crowded floor.

Friday November 29, 2013, from 8 to 9 PM

Subject: Adornos (embellishments) for men and women at a busy milonga.


2- Workhops

Saturday October 26, 2013

3:15-4:45 PM> The Art of Walking

5:15-6:45 PM > Steps of the Old Maestros

Saturday November 02, 2013

3:15-4:45 PM> Women's Technique by Liz

5:15-6:45 PM > Giros with Rulos (Lapiz)

Saturday November 16, 2013

3:15-4:45 PM> Technique: Details and refinement (for men and women)

5:15-6:45 PM > Tango Vals: Musicality and Circularity

Saturday November 30, 2013

3:15-4:45 PM> Women's Technique by Liz

5:15-6:45 PM > Giros & Contragiros with Enrosques




Pre-Milonga class + Milonga: $15

Workshop: $25 per session (1 hour and half long)


Purchase the discounted package online : m.tangomagdalena.com ; go to "Products" ; this Mobile version of our web site can be used from your Smart phone as well.


All 4 Pre-Milonga classes + Milongas: $50

All 8 Workshops sessions: $180

* Contact us for discounts on customized combinations

Students (with your student ID): additional $10 off the discounted packages.


Address of our studio: 580 Grand Ave, Suite # 305, Oakland, CA 94601





Contact : Tango Magdalena: 510- 390-2886