VOL 49, October 2023


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Tango!... The Artform not to be taken for granted!

by Jean-Pierre Sighé

G enerally speaking, it is a truism to artists, the notion of not taking for granted, an art-form. Artists know it by heart. Artists live it. It is in their DNA. It is the internal Power that sustains their creativity. It is the breath that impulses Life in their Reality.
As a dancer or practitioner of Tango, you too, are by all means...an Artist! Just like it happens to the musician or a painter or any other artist in any other art-form, the responsibility of developing, caring, cherishing your craft, lies on you, fully.

The craft of Tango is the WALK. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Art of Tango , IS the Art of Walking! The more we dance Tango, the more we realize how deep and important, WALKING is. Are you giving your best of Walking when you are dancing with that other person? Are you that artist who is projecting the Artful Walking? Are you offering your Walk as an art-form to the partner you are on that dance floor with? To these rhetorical questions, the answer should always be an emphatic... YES!
In case of the slightest doubt in saying that “YES!”, a bell should ring and not stop ringing, until further analysis is given, to come up with the adequate diagnosis. It should not be otherwise, for the simple reason that we are here talking about something that is more than a dance, as you have discovered by now. Even if you are a brand new comer to Tango, we can assure you that : what attracted you to Tango is something deeper that the dance... Your journey is on!...
A special attention to the craft of Walking, must be the recommended, prescribed, invoked. In the slightest doubt, be a “living question mark”. Ask questions. Seek information; seek adequate information.
A fair argument coming to mind might be: ” how would I know if the information I’m receiving is “adequate”?
Fair question! To which, we respond: if the teaching you are receiving is not rooted in WALKING... you are probably in the wrong room. that room will never give satisfaction to your deeper thirst for deeper knowledge. Keep looking for the appropriate room and don’t settle until you find it!

A good number of people come to Tango to memorize some steps and figures, as they are convinced that the Art of Tango consist in the accumulation of such steps and figures. They will be amused for some few weeks or months until they realize...something is missing! I can only hope for them that by that time, it won’t be too late for them to go back and relearn the craft of Walking, for, by that time they might feel overwhelmed by what they could perceive as a daunting task. Even in that case, we would still enthusiastically, recommend taking on that effort, so that they would be honoring their High-Self , honoring the Artist that they are!

Be a gift of the craft of Walking to anyone who dances with you during that tanda. Be gracious...smooth...balanced...elegant... spiritual! Be a treat to WALK with! If you are a treat to Walk with, you are also a treat to Dance with!
At the end of each tanda, feel like you can confess to yourself that you were indeed all of the aforementioned qualities. So, will the Art of Tango become true to you and to the other people you dance with, at any given Milonga.


© October 2023



The Magdalena Technique has now put online a couple of videos, one of which presents the lesson on W A L K I N G ... a class we have been dispensing since 2000. Check them here:







© December, 2022


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